Happiness also at Work! From Poland, a glance to Italy

Happiness also at Work! From Poland, a glance to Italy

Happiness is a topic that finally begins to get media attention. I always made Happiness at work and personal happiness a key topic for the healthy growth of people and organizations. Certainly, it is not always easy to understand why Happiness also at Work is...
Choose to be Happy – Join my new course

Choose to be Happy – Join my new course

My clients often tell me: my job doesn’t fulfil me… I’m juggling with job, family and social life trying to fulfil the expectations of others… I know it is time to take care of myself but this makes me feel guilty… I make other people...
Saint Lucia Feast announces that Christmas is coming up!

Saint Lucia Feast announces that Christmas is coming up!

Christmas is coming up! The big day of the year is drawing near. As every and each year, the holiday season is the period of stress. There are so many things to do and limited time to do them in. While Christmas is known as “the season to be happy,” it can...
Black Friday Deals

Black Friday Deals

Black Friday and Cyber Monday can be a wonderful period to buy at a discounted price what we need, or to indulge in goods and services we are not used to. It could be also a perfect moment to reward ourselves with something meaningful for our life. I offer you a 50%...
Thanksgiving means Gratitude

Thanksgiving means Gratitude

Ciao! I’m very happy to welcome you! Today in the US it’s the Thanksgiving. it doesn’t exist in Italy, it’s not part of our tradition. No… it’s not about the turkey 😉 it’s about Gratitude. To be grateful, to appreciate what we...
Be Happy!

Be Happy!

Starting from 2012, the General Assembly of the United Nations has established the “International Day of Happiness”, which is celebrated on March 20th every year, close to the start of spring. The resolution states that the pursuit of happiness is a...