My clients often tell me:

  • my job doesn’t fulfil me…
  • I’m juggling with job, family and social life trying to fulfil the expectations of others…
  • I know it is time to take care of myself but this makes me feel guilty…
  • I make other people (colleagues, family members…) happy, but I’m not able to choose happiness for myself…

And I personally know what these sentences mean because they were also mine, and sometimes some of them are still mine. Based on my own personal journey and my professional experience as a coach and mentor I created an online course.

If you recognized yourself in one or more of those sentences, I invite you to participate for FREE as a beta tester in my new 4-week online course “CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY! A 4-week journey to happiness”.

No one has a magic wand, there are no quick and easy guidebooks nor shortcuts, however, in this course you will learn:

  • how to find clarity about yourself and your purpose
  • how to find your inner balance to pivot your personal and professional life,

in order to bring out your full potential and bring out the best in you.

THIS COURSE IS IDEAL for women juggling with job, family and social life trying to fulfil the expectations of others, who feel it is time they took care of themselves.
It is too for anyone who is ready to choose to experience happiness in his/her life.

Course information

This course runs from 17th FEB 2020 to 13th MAR 2020 (4 weeks).
It is an interactive live online course that will take place in a closed Facebook group. An active FB account is required for active participation.
Please apply below to participate for FREE in the beta round of this new course and save 498 Eur!
Also, share this form with anyone who you think would love to participate too.

Registration and more information here